Our Mission

We are a family, with many players, that when combined create a business that takes service and satisfaction to heart. Scottiewheels Racing takes pride in our ability to speak with our customers and truly understand, not just the immediate, but the long-term goals when it comes to their racing and goals. As a Veteran owned and run business, we are committed to giving back by donating a portion of our proceeds to the Department of Veterans Affairs and will continue to do so as we grow.


Scottiewheels Racing is not only made up of the companies that it represents but a support system of people that work together to keep Scottie on the track doing what he loves and still able to provide the outstanding service he prides himself on. Hands on work in the shop, at the track, and even at home are what makes this racing family!

  • Scottie "WHEELS" MacDonald

    Owner - Tuner - Racer

    Lover of all things Drag Racing!

  • Michelle MacDonald

    Co-Owner - Wife - Pit Boss

    Lover of all things Scottie Wheels!

  • The REAL Bosses

    Dean and Alina

  • Rob "Bondo Bob" Madeux 

    Mechanic / Go-to Man


Whether you are a professional racer, an enthusiast, a car show junkie, or anything in between, quality parts and materials can make or break your combo.

Scottiewheels Racing has done the research to be able to offer top of the line parts and systems as a one stop shop.

We help take the guessing and comparison shopping out of your hands and can point you in the right direction with a variety of manufacturers from the well known to the specialists in their market.

With relationships and contacts at places like, Fragola Performance Systems, Mencser, Forced Inductions, Strange, Moroso, Shearer Fabrications, Holley, PTC, Aeromotive, Burkhardt Chassis, just to name a few, we can get you one part or system or help you with a complete build.

In addition to providing best in quality parts, Scottiewheels Racing can handle tuning and power management on multiple computer systems and can tune your chassis at our shop or at the track to get you the best performance possible.

When you are looking for experience and knowledge and first hand racing experience, we are the place to call.

Your passion is our passion


Founded by Scott MacDonald, a retired, paralyzed US Navy Veteran, Scottiewheels Racing began as a way to help racers, like himself, have access to high quality racing parts and customer service in one place.

Scott has the gift of gab as some would say, however, he somehow seems to gloss over the fact that he has been paralyzed from the chest down since 1998 after an accident while he was active in the Navy. There are some people that might have let that circumstance slow them down or stop them but Scott had bigger plans. After healing from the accident, he continued his education and went on to work in social work and with the Department of Veterans Affairs to give back to the military that he respects so highly.

Always looking for an adrenaline rush and a long time love for cars and speed, Scott wanted to defy odds and the norm and drive a race car. Most thought this was completely crazy, but those that really know and love him, knew if anyone could make this happen it was Scott. 

With the help of friends and fellow racers, Scott did just that. He became known in the racing community for his cars and the unique way of driving at high speeds with hand controls.

As a racer, Scott did the research on many parts and worked along side and learned from some of the best about tuning his own car. After years of connecting with so many people, Scott saw the need for a one stop distributor with a personal service feeling. From this need, Scottiewheels Racing was born. 

What started as a love of helping others shop parts and compare pricing and improve their performance, created a business that still runs on those foundations today. 

Satisfying our customers with quality parts, expert knowledge, personal service, and downright love for the industry is how we roll!

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